Moto 360 (2nd Gen) Review It's been over a year since Google launched Android Wear. However, the platform has failed to take off in a big way, currently holding just 11.3 percent of the global smartwatch market, having shipped around 720,000 units in 2014. The original Moto 360 was the clear leader among the various Android Wear models. Motorola evidently wants to build on the success of the 360 and continues to push the idea of smartwatches with the Moto 360 (2nd Gen), which starts at Rs. 19,999. This new smartwatch is a lot like its predecessor, but has a few key changes that should improve upon the previous model. We find out what the updated version is all about in our review. Design and display One of the key reasons that the 2014 Moto 360 was more successful than other Android Wear smartwatches was its round shape. This made it far better looking, and more watch-like than its counterparts. Fortunately, the Moto 360 (2nd Gen) remains round, and as a result looks fantast...