Boruto: Naruto the Movie The film opens a fierce battle between Sasuke Uchiha and a yet unnamed adversary in a different dimension of Kaguya Ōtsutsuki's palace ruins, while a mysterious figure observes from above. Many years after the events of the main series, Naruto Uzumaki is the Seventh Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village, which in this time of peace has grown to become a large city with all of the latest advancements in technology. Naruto is married to Hinata Hyuga and they have two children, Boruto and Himawari Uzumaki. Boruto is a Genin in a team under Konohamaru Sarutobi the Third Hokage's grandson: with Sasuke and Sakura's daughter Sarada Uchiha, and a mysterious boy called Mitsuki. Boruto is upset that Naruto focuses more on his Hokage duties than their family. Sarada, who dreams of becoming Hokage, scolds Boruto for not taking his training seriously. Because they are childhood friends and rivals, Boruto feels the need to look good in front of Sarada. When Boruto...